An immersive exploration of Indigenous culture, heritage and culinary traditions

Led by knowledgeable palawa guides

Embark on a guided bushfoods walk, an immersive journey delving into the rich tapestry of indigenous culture and heritage. Led by knowledgeable palawa/pakana guides, traverse the pristine landscapes surrounding Spring Bay Mill while uncovering the culinary treasures hidden within.

Discover the ancient practices of sustainable foraging and harvesting that have sustained the palawa/pakana people for millennia, as well as the deep ecological knowledge ingrained in their traditions. Taste the diverse array of native plants and fruits, each offering a unique blend of flavours and nutritional benefits.

As you walk, absorb the wisdom passed down through generations, gaining a profound appreciation for the intricate relationship between the palawa/pakana people and the land they have cared for and nurtured for over 50,000 years.


Tree Planting